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NetCut Free Download – Software to Cut Internet Connection

NetCut | Software to Cut the Internet Network Connection. NetCut is a network utility software that functions to control the computer network connections in a network of wifi / LAN. NetCut software usually used by the people who suck the Internet bandwidth network. Using This Software can causing of internet users in the same network bandwidth will run out, at same time we can get full bandwith. This is the basic principle of the workings netCut software.
NetCut Software Internet Connection Network
On the LAN network, NetCut software is very little used because of network security and Internet network connection is stable so that the internet user feel comfortable and do not to cut bandwith. But this software most used at hotspot area network. Why? hotspot network can be accessed by many people with no limit users. As More as users that use the internet on a single hotspot, the less bandwidth quota granted to each user. This is what causes the user to suck the naughty network bandwidth by cutting or turning off the bandwidth to another computer.
In my opinion, this software is very dangerous when held by the hands of ignorant. Because that, I have also included antinetcut software. Anti netCut is an application to prevent someone else using NetCut software.
There’s also another way that I got from the forum to prevent netCut, that is using a firewall comodo. But yet I’m not use this trick, because Anti NetCut Software was qualified to solve the problem.
Download the following Free NetCut and Anti NetCut Software link, there are two such software (NetCut and Anti NetCut.exe Download). Please use in accordance with purposes. Thanks
Notes : file format on winrar

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